Thursday, April 30, 2009

Litorians: A Patroange Project

Hugo Solis (Kobold Quarterly and Halls of the Mountain King) really nailed the Litorian image, Litorians is now ope for patrons. Check it our HERE

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chat with Rite Publishing tonight on RPGBOMB

Where we willtalk about our newest patronage project Litorians along with our current projects and products

Steve "Qwilion" Russell: Head of Rite Publishing, Design and Development: The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path and Litorian Project Art Director Hereos of the Jade Oath

Perry Grosshans: Editor The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path

Jeff Ward interior artist Heroes of the Jade Oath

Kurt Taylor: Interior Artist Heroes of the Jade Oath

Bill Collins Editor & Developer Heroes of the Jade Oath

Robert N. Emerson: Designer on Litorian Project

Hans "JediSoth" Cummings: Designer Litorian Project

Friday, April 10, 2009

PDF Love and a Rite Publsihing Chat

On Thursday April 16th ,10 pm EST, we will be hosting a live chat at, for those who don't know this is where Paizo hosts a weekly chat session.  I like the place and hang out there quite a bit.  So we will be promoting Jade Oath and The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path there, free give aways and everyone who shows up will have acceess to a discount coupon for our products via the Paizo store.   Here is the direct link 

To all our cusotmers, we love selling pdfs, and we will always sell pdfs as long as there is a Rite Publishing,

If it were not for Rite Publishing...................

there would only be wrong publishing.

* we love Lulu too for those grognards who must have print  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Witch's Choice and Me!

So I got a new webcam and took some pictures of my print copy of A Witch's Choice!

A Witch's Choice in Real Life!

That Backcover and Quasimodo Me!

Look Mom!

(The) Kallethan and Me!

Black Sky Butte and Me!


Monday, April 6, 2009

New Line: Jonthant Roberts Cartography.

Jonathan Roberts, cartographer or Wrath of the River King and Adventures in the Hyborian Age, presents maps from A Witch's Choice: “The Glass Balcony” and "The Leafless Wood". These multi-page PDFs allow you to print out the battlemaps at a 1 inch=1 square scale as a letter-format map and is also available in a printer-friendly light grayscale version.

Also check out Jonathan Roberts new website.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Interview with Ed Healy about Patronage

Ed Healy snuck up on me and wanted to test out a new way to do interviews, so I got to be his ginnie pig. 

If you have a Facebook account click here

If you don't click here

And if you get a chance say thank you to Ed for helping to promote Rite Publishing, Patronage, Jade Oath,  and Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


"A Witch's Choice"

Author: Steve "Qwilion" Russell (Mythical Monstrosities)
Cover Artist: Ryan Barger (Adventurer's Vault)
Interior Artists: Eric Lofgren (Arcana Evolved) and Richard Biggs Jr (Items Evolved)
Cartography: Jonathan Roberts (Wrath of the River King)

The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path begins in the town of Far-rough and continues into the surrounding Edgelands bordering the Central Plains, Floating Forest, and the Bitter Peaks. In a time of looming war between the Dragons and the Giants, a few select people in Far-Rough have strange-shared dreams of a golden jackal. Taking them for a sign, a father now seeks escorts for a journey to Tesham's Landing, a mystical witching site that will help cure his afflicted daughter.

In the days that follow, a quest must be pledged to or renounced, a woman saved or damned, a cursed child accepted or abandoned, a ritual may be preformed that saves a single soul or damns the world. The PCs will face all of these choices, responsibilities, and consequences.

"A Witch's Choice" is a full color Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved adventure designed for four 1st-level characters. Characters will advance to 2nd level by the end of the adventure. It is the first installment in The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path, a complete campaign saga consisting of 25 adventures.

You can help create the next adventure by joining as a patron just click on the Image below.