Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Feats 101 (on sale November 1st) Special!

We are going to try something new with Feats 101 when you order a Print on Demand copy of this product, you will email your lulu order # to the email address provided once we will then email you a download link for your free PDF copy of the product!

Feats 101
Think you have enough feats to choose from? Think again! Feats 101 gives you – yes, you guessed it – 101 feats that will help you realize the vision you’ve had for your character.

From new metamagic feats to feats that make use of your bondto your Animal Companion, Familiar, or Mount along with Combat Maneuvers, and Sorcerous Bloodlines, Feats 101 brings a host of new abilities to your character.

Wholly compatible with the Pathfinder RolePlaying Game, Feats 101 adds new agonizing choices to character creation and advancement without breaking the game.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fantastic Maps: Tree Bridge

Rite Publishing has released #7 in Jonathan Roberts' Fantastic Maps series