I created these a few years ago I just found it when shifting through some old data files. At the time I was running a combat heavy game, and I was looking for a way make riddles useful in combat, and other action sequences. I was struck by the absolute coolness of the Athentia the Sphinx and the Conundrum Creature Template from Creature Collection II (created by a friend of mine Tony Pi), after a long conversation with a friend Tavis Allison (of Monsters and Masterminds by Behemoth3 ) I started messing around with the idea of the society of the sphinxes as a invading force. These are some of the abilities I came up with you could add them to any riddling creature, not just sphinxes though.
Riddled Wounding (Su): The damage this sphinx deals does not heal naturally (including regeneration and fast healing) and resists healing spells. A character attempting to cast a conjuration (healing) spell on a creature damaged by a sphinx, speaks a specific riddle the sphinx has chosen, the riddle must be answered correctly, or the spell has no effect on the injured character. A remove curse spell cast on a creature damaged by a sphinx that succeeds on a caster level check (DC 15 + Challenge Ratting of the sphinx) removes this effect. If the check fails the same caster cannot try again until he gains an additional caster level (Heal, Delve the Collective Memory or Knowledge Dangerous Monsters DC 25 to determine this). This is a necromantic curse effect.
Conundrum Capture (Su): This sphinx may utter a special riddle a number of times per day equal to its intelligence modifier but no more than once every four rounds. All those who hear the riddle and fail a will save (DC 10+1/2 the Sphinx's Hit Dice+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier) are rendered helpless, they may only speak to answer the riddle or to perfectly repeat the riddle. Successfully answering the riddle frees the creature and renders the creature permanently immune to this sphinxes conundrum capture, as successful save does not. This effect lasts for 1 hour. This is a language dependent, mind-affecting, sonic effect.
Gordanian Knot (Su): This Sphinx can entangle a creature with a magically created binding, # of times per day equal to her int modifier, but never more than once every four rounds. A successful will save (DC 10+ ½ creatures HD + int modifier) negates the effect, but once affected the creature must make an intelligence check equal to 15+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier, (can take a 20), A creature can also be freed by 5 points of slashing damage per CR of the sphinx is done to the binding though half damage is done to the character unless non-lethal damage is dealt. Caster level equal to the Sphinx's CR.
Puzzled Look (Su): This Sphinx's can blind or deafen a creature with a glance a # of times per day equal to her int modifier but never more than once every four rounds. A successful save DC 10+ ½ creatures HD + int modifier), A character attempting to cast a remove blindness/deafness spell on this creature, speaks a specific riddle the sphinx has chosen, the riddle must be answered correctly, or the spell has no effect on the afflicted character. A dispel magic spell cast on an afflicted creature that succeeds on a caster level check (DC 15 + Challenge Ratting of the sphinx) removes this effect. If the check fails the same caster cannot try again until she gains an additional caster level (Heal, Delve Collective Memory or Knowledge Dangerous Beasts DC 30 to determine this). This is a necromantic curse effect.
Query of Confusion (Su): This sphinx may utter a special riddle a number of times per day equal to its intelligence modifier but no more than once every four rounds. All those who hear the riddle and fail a will save (DC 10+1/2 the Sphinx's HD+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier) are rendered confused, they may only speak to answer the riddle or to perfectly repeat the riddle. Successfully answering the riddle frees the creature and renders the creature permanently immune to this sphinx’s Query of Confusion, a successful save does not. This effect lasts for 2 minutes. This is a language dependent, mind-affecting, sonic effect.
Riddle of Obsession (Su): This sphinx may utter a special riddle a number of times per day equal to its intelligence modifier but no more than once every four rounds. All those who hear the riddle and fail a will save (DC 10+1/2 the Sphinx's HD+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier) must give an answer to the riddle each round at the beginning of their turn (free action), they always know the riddle exactly as spoken, if the answer is incorrect the creature inflicts a -2 charisma penalty (unlisted) a successful Will save (same DC) halves this penalty. Successfully answering the riddle frees the creature but does not remove the penalties but renders the creature permanently immune to this sphinx’s Riddle of Obsession, a successful save does not. This effect lasts for 1 hour. This is a language dependent, sonic, curse effect.
Enigma of Power (Su): Any nonsphinx within the area that hears the enigma of power suffers the following ill effects. creatures with 1-8 HD die (no save), creatures with 9-11 HD willingly feign death (no save) until a remove curse is cast, creatures with 12-16 HD are rendered helpless for one round and gain a save (fort save DC 10+1/2 Sphinx’s Hit Dice + intelligence modifier) each additional round, creatures with 17+ HD are stunned for one round those immune to stunning are slowed for one round.
Stoneform (Ex): This Sphinx gains hardness 10, immunity to sleep, stunning, paralysis, nonlethal damage (losses regeneration), fatigue, and exhaustion. It also gains 75% fortification.
Sphinx's Bewilderment [CEREMONIAL]
Prerequisites: Ability Focus (any riddle special attack), Any Riddle Special Attack, Truename
Benefits: With any riddle special attack that the sphinx has ability focus with add an additional +4 to the DC. The first time a specific riddle associated with this special attack is successfully answered this sphinx takes 1d6 points of damage per character level of the target who originally answered that specific riddle.
Riddled Wounding (Su): The damage this sphinx deals does not heal naturally (including regeneration and fast healing) and resists healing spells. A character attempting to cast a conjuration (healing) spell on a creature damaged by a sphinx, speaks a specific riddle the sphinx has chosen, the riddle must be answered correctly, or the spell has no effect on the injured character. A remove curse spell cast on a creature damaged by a sphinx that succeeds on a caster level check (DC 15 + Challenge Ratting of the sphinx) removes this effect. If the check fails the same caster cannot try again until he gains an additional caster level (Heal, Delve the Collective Memory or Knowledge Dangerous Monsters DC 25 to determine this). This is a necromantic curse effect.
Conundrum Capture (Su): This sphinx may utter a special riddle a number of times per day equal to its intelligence modifier but no more than once every four rounds. All those who hear the riddle and fail a will save (DC 10+1/2 the Sphinx's Hit Dice+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier) are rendered helpless, they may only speak to answer the riddle or to perfectly repeat the riddle. Successfully answering the riddle frees the creature and renders the creature permanently immune to this sphinxes conundrum capture, as successful save does not. This effect lasts for 1 hour. This is a language dependent, mind-affecting, sonic effect.
Gordanian Knot (Su): This Sphinx can entangle a creature with a magically created binding, # of times per day equal to her int modifier, but never more than once every four rounds. A successful will save (DC 10+ ½ creatures HD + int modifier) negates the effect, but once affected the creature must make an intelligence check equal to 15+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier, (can take a 20), A creature can also be freed by 5 points of slashing damage per CR of the sphinx is done to the binding though half damage is done to the character unless non-lethal damage is dealt. Caster level equal to the Sphinx's CR.
Puzzled Look (Su): This Sphinx's can blind or deafen a creature with a glance a # of times per day equal to her int modifier but never more than once every four rounds. A successful save DC 10+ ½ creatures HD + int modifier), A character attempting to cast a remove blindness/deafness spell on this creature, speaks a specific riddle the sphinx has chosen, the riddle must be answered correctly, or the spell has no effect on the afflicted character. A dispel magic spell cast on an afflicted creature that succeeds on a caster level check (DC 15 + Challenge Ratting of the sphinx) removes this effect. If the check fails the same caster cannot try again until she gains an additional caster level (Heal, Delve Collective Memory or Knowledge Dangerous Beasts DC 30 to determine this). This is a necromantic curse effect.
Query of Confusion (Su): This sphinx may utter a special riddle a number of times per day equal to its intelligence modifier but no more than once every four rounds. All those who hear the riddle and fail a will save (DC 10+1/2 the Sphinx's HD+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier) are rendered confused, they may only speak to answer the riddle or to perfectly repeat the riddle. Successfully answering the riddle frees the creature and renders the creature permanently immune to this sphinx’s Query of Confusion, a successful save does not. This effect lasts for 2 minutes. This is a language dependent, mind-affecting, sonic effect.
Riddle of Obsession (Su): This sphinx may utter a special riddle a number of times per day equal to its intelligence modifier but no more than once every four rounds. All those who hear the riddle and fail a will save (DC 10+1/2 the Sphinx's HD+ the sphinx's intelligence modifier) must give an answer to the riddle each round at the beginning of their turn (free action), they always know the riddle exactly as spoken, if the answer is incorrect the creature inflicts a -2 charisma penalty (unlisted) a successful Will save (same DC) halves this penalty. Successfully answering the riddle frees the creature but does not remove the penalties but renders the creature permanently immune to this sphinx’s Riddle of Obsession, a successful save does not. This effect lasts for 1 hour. This is a language dependent, sonic, curse effect.
Enigma of Power (Su): Any nonsphinx within the area that hears the enigma of power suffers the following ill effects. creatures with 1-8 HD die (no save), creatures with 9-11 HD willingly feign death (no save) until a remove curse is cast, creatures with 12-16 HD are rendered helpless for one round and gain a save (fort save DC 10+1/2 Sphinx’s Hit Dice + intelligence modifier) each additional round, creatures with 17+ HD are stunned for one round those immune to stunning are slowed for one round.
Stoneform (Ex): This Sphinx gains hardness 10, immunity to sleep, stunning, paralysis, nonlethal damage (losses regeneration), fatigue, and exhaustion. It also gains 75% fortification.
Sphinx's Bewilderment [CEREMONIAL]
Prerequisites: Ability Focus (any riddle special attack), Any Riddle Special Attack, Truename
Benefits: With any riddle special attack that the sphinx has ability focus with add an additional +4 to the DC. The first time a specific riddle associated with this special attack is successfully answered this sphinx takes 1d6 points of damage per character level of the target who originally answered that specific riddle.