I am working on updating Evocative City Sites:: The Rogues Gallery Tavern to the Pafthinder Roleplaying Game. Originally this series had had no statblocks for any system I thought I would post those statblocks here for your amusement. Once I have finished this file will be updated automatically from the current version to the new.

Liseli is the server at The Rogue’s Gallery, who I learned, rather quickly, is a demon of some kind, most likely a succubus. It seems she has made a pact to work here until the tavern goes out of business or a 1000 years and a day, whichever comes first. Liseli can change her appearance, so as to appear as virtually anyone, to my eyes she always appeared as both delectable and desirable regardless of her form, mostly as a very attractive human female with an impressive bosom. Not surprisingly, Liseli is a gifted seductress, patrons often purchasing extra drinks just to have her stay near them a little longer. Another unexpected boon is that she never needs to sleep, so she is always on duty applying her charms more frequently.
Liseli enjoys teasing both men and women with her flirtations and shapeshifting, though she is held by her pact, she told me she would stay, none the less, so as to observe the wide variety of villainy she has experienced, thus far. Leseli was extremely engaging and quite open to intimate relationships with any number of patrons, though I found her far too intimidating. I did learn that her demonic victims are strictly limited to non-patrons, and since she is always on duty she can only attack those whose patronage is revoked by Venn. This is very easy to do, actually, as they are often already victims of his poisons.
If you are looking to meet up with someone, Liseli can make an introduction for a price, which can range from coin, to a night of passion; to some of your life force, but betraying her confidence will likely result in loss of patron status and the use of her demonic powers.
Secret: How does Liseli benefit from the pact?
-Once her term of service is done she regains her free will and ownership of her soul allowing her to move on toward apotheosis.
- A ship in a bottle called “The Fallen Star,” which houses a real live miniaturized crew who all sold their souls to her long ago before she lost the bottle.
Elder Fiend Succubus CR 11 XP 12,800
CE medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect good; Perception +22,
Aura: 55’ (DC 25, normally suppressed)
AC 34, touch 27, flat-footed 28
(+11 deflections, +6 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 108 (8d10+64) Regeneration 8 (good)
Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +12
DR 15/cold iron and good; Immune electricity, fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10; SR 28
Speed 60 ft., fly 100 ft. (average)
Melee 2 claws +25 (1d8+4)
Special Attacks command fiend, energy drain, maddening smite, profane gift
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th)
Constant—detect good, detect thoughts (DC 23), nondetection, tongues,
At will—charm monster (DC 25), ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), suggestion (DC 24), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), vampiric touch
1/day—dominate person (DC 26), summon (level 3, 1 babau 67%)
Str 19, Dex 23, Con 26, Int 22, Wis 18, Cha 33
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 28
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +30, Diplomacy +22, Disguise +22, Escape Artist +14, Fly +17, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (local) +17, Perception +23, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +17;
Racial Modifiers +8 Bluff, +8 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic; tongues, telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (alter self, Small or Medium humanoid), objecgt of worship
Special Abilities
Aura of Madness (Su): Liselie is surrounded by an aura of pure psychotic madness. Non-outsiders within the aura must make a Will save (DC 25) or suffer effects identical to that of the confusion spell Caster Level 8th. This ability is normally suppressed so as not to disrupt business at the Rogue’s gallery tavern.
Command Fiend (Su): Liselie can command outsiders with the evil subtype in the same manner in which an evil cleric with the Command Undead feat commands undead. The elder fiend uses its Hit Dice in place of caster levels to determine how many evil outsiders it can command. It can use this ability 14/day
Energy Drain (Su) Liselie drains energy from a mortal she lures into an act of passion, such as a kiss. An unwilling victim must be grappled before the succubus can use this ability. Liselie's kiss bestows one negative level. The kiss also has the effect of a suggestion spell, asking the victim to accept another act of passion from the succubus. The victim must succeed on a DC 25 Will save to negate the suggestion. The DC is 25 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative level. These save DCs are Charisma-based.
Maddening Smite (Su): Once per day Liselie can summon the power of evil to smite a foe of good alignment. To use fiendish smite Leslie makes a normal melee attack to deal +8 points of damage against a good foe. In addition they must make a successful Will save (DC 25) or become insane (as the spell insanity).
Object of Worship (Su) Liselie has accumulated enough divine energy from her cult’s followers to take the first step to deification She can grant clerical spells to her priests the maximum spell level her clerics may cast is 4th level. Furthermore her clerics have access to the Charm, Chaos and Evil domains
Profane Gift (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, Leslie may grant a profane gift to a willing humanoid creature by touching it for 1 full round. The target gains a +2 profane bonus to an ability score of his choice. A single creature may have no more than one profane gift from a succubus at a time. As long as the profane gift persists, the succubus can communicate telepathically with the target across any distance (and may use her suggestion spell-like ability through it). A profane gift is removed by dispel evil or dispel chaos. Leslie can remove it as well as a free action (causing 2d6 Charisma drain to the victim, no save).
Blackdyrge’s Templates: Elder Fiend Copyright 2007 Aeryn Rudel, Blackdirge Publishing. All rights reserved.
Monster’s Handbook Copyright 2002 Fantasy Flight Games. All rights reserved
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