Friday, May 30, 2008

d100 Coastal Place Names.

“DMs can fill in the details as needed.”- Monte Cook

Sometimes you just want a quick name for a new place, yet you want the name to be evocative and meaningful, but not a mothful of mush, that leads to mocking. I await your mocking!

1. Finebrother’s Drink
2. Kraken’s Pond
3. Shallow Blue
4. Black Tide Brine
5. Piscean Deep
6. Leviathan Expanse
7. The Great Eastern Ocean
8. Kavilljor Swell
9. Dragon Wave
10. Bottom of the Sea
11. Abyssal Trench,
12. Sphinxes shore
13. Wisp Seaside
14. The Antaean Shore
15. Shymira’s Surf
16. Remorhaze Beach
17. Taurian Bank
18. Ghoul Coast
19. Maw’ s Seaboard,
20. Alabaster Seafront,
21. Chorrim Shingle
22. Harpy Strand
23. Mount Pegasi
24. Dragonton
25. The Bright House
26. Hunter’s Port
27. Port Harrid
28. Slassan’s Landing
29. The Dark's bay
30. Akashic Point
31. Arathad sound
32. Stormhaven
33. Archipelago of the Faradian
34. Hyplonox Atoll
35. Lastrogous Bar
36. Cursed Cay
37. Oathstalker’s Enclave,
38. Qualleg Isle
39. Islet of Runes
40. Reaver’s Key
41. Spelleater’s Peninsula
42. Grappler’s Reef
43. Sorrow’s Refuge
44. Lir’s Retreat
45. Totem’s Sancutury
46. Warmain’s shelter
47. Unfettered Home.
48. Erudite Anchorage,
49. Exemplar’s Gate,
50. Healer’s Harbor,
51. Harborage of Eldritch-edge,
52. Havenmagus,
53. The Sworn refuge,
54. Rite’s Retreat,
55. Sigil’s Stead,
56. Primal Sanctuary,
57. Warwild seaport,
58. Ironmain shelter
59. Bellweather wreck
60. Buried Jewel
61. Forerunner’s Landing
62. Flotilla bay
63. Crone’s Berth
64. Serren’s Dock
65. Jetty
66. Marina of the Mark
67. Weaver’s Pier
68. Harmer’s Platform
69. Serpentsworn Warf
70. Seeker’s Quay
71. Sin-ru slip
72. Axe Mooring
73. Sunbirth Sea
74. Sire of Mountains
75. Reaver’s Rock
76. Ghoul gap
77. Lastdrop
78. Doom’s Refuge
79. Gassar woodrise
80. Runehome
81. Wordhome
82. Land’sverge
83. Glimmerhome
84. Far Runestone
85. Seral’s View
86. Traitor’s Gorge
87. Herald’s Course
88. Crystalhome
89. Nearhearth
90. Farhearth
91. Realmsedge
92. Highreach
93. Hu-Charad Wood
94. Clavehome
95. Mount Dawngreeter
96. Mount Duskwell
97. Soulbiter Sea
98. High mound
99. Dragon’s Maw
100. Gallowshall

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