This week I looked at the idea of spelltouched feats and converting them to ceremonial feats.
GRASP THE GREEN [Ceremonial]
Your return from death has bound you closer to the Green.
Prerequisite: True name, Great Fortitude, Having risen from the dead after having been slain by exposure to a manifestation of the Dark (negative energy), you take a special oath in the service of the Green.
Benefit: Whenever a spell with the negative energy descriptor would result in your death, usually due to having failed the appropriate saving throw but also due to excessive damage, you do not die. Instead you suffer 1 point of Constitution drain and are reduced to zero hit points (even if you hit point total was lower).
OPEN TO THE GREEN [Ceremonial]
As a servant favored by the Green, its power to heal you is greater
Prerequisites: In a special ceremony, your own hand brings you near death (one hit point from death) you are then then fully healed though the powers of a greenbond.
Benefit: All positive energy descriptor spells and effects, affect you with the best possible result (maximized) or their result is increased by 50 % (your choice). You also suffer a -4 saving throw penalty against all positive energy descriptor spells and effects and always suffer any partial effects upon a successful save.
REFRACT RAY [Ceremonial]
You have the ability to change the direction of ray-based spells.
Prerequisite: Truename, Exposure to any spell whose effect is a ray. In a special ceremony, you embed a special crystal in the palm of your off-hand.
Benefit: You must have the hand with the embedded crystal free (holding nothing) to use this feat. You must be aware of the spell attack and not flat-footed. Once per round when you would normally be hit with a ray effect you may immediately attempt a Reflex saving throw to deflect the ray (ray spells do not normally allow saving throws to avoid the ray but may have saves against the ray’s effects). You make an opposed ranged touch attack if successful you deflect the ray and take no damage from it or otherwise suffer any effect, if you fail you suffer the standard effects of the ray. If you win by five or more you can direct the course of the ray to a new target, otherwise a deflected ray shoots off in a random direction. Roll 1d8 to determine the deflected direction of the ray (as if it were a splash weapon). A deflected ray travels until it hits another target or the spell runs out of range.
TEMPERED MIND [Ceremonial]
You have bound your emotions in the service of reason.
Prerequisite: Truename, Iron Will, Wis 13, In a special ceremony, you are stop yourself from committing an act against your nature while under the effect of a spell with the Compulsion descriptor
Benefit: You gain a permanent and continuous +4 bonus on all saving throws to ward off the effects of spells and spell-like effects with the compulsion or charm descriptor as well as supernatural and extraordinary abilities that influence your emotions. If those spells have, partial effects on a successful save you negate those effects instead.
You cannot voluntarily lower this resistance so that at the same time you are more difficult to affect with beneficial emotional spells and effects. Any attempt to affect you with such beneficial magic, including attempts by you to make use of emotion based extraordinary abilities to overcome your own calm emotional state, and you must succeed at a Charisma check (DC 15) in order for such a spell or effect to affect you.
You can shunt part of some magical energy effects away from you.
Prerequisite: Truename, Lightning Reflexes, Energy Resistance, during a special ceremony, you expose yourself to a sorcerous blast without avoiding its effects. .
Benefit: When you take this feat chose an energy descriptor. Whenever you make a successful reflex save against a spell, spell-like effect, or supernatural ability with the chosen energy descriptor, the partial damage and/or effects you do not suffer instead affects a single target within your natural reach. If the target makes a reflex save (Same DC you have made) they suffer no damage or other effects from the use of this feat.
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