If you did not know, I am currently writing, designing, producing and publishing an adventure path for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved called The Rituals of Choice. I have decided that I will be creating a free player’s companion to the series, which can also serve as a regional sourcebook for the default location where the campaign saga takes place. I will be posting my work in progress, and plan to update at least once a week.
A Companion
To help immerse both players and player characters in the saga of the campaign, Rite Publishing is proud to present The Player’s Guide to The Rituals of Choice Adventure Path for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved. DMs are encouraged to provide a copy of this document to each of his or her players (Full permission is granted to reproduce this document) and allow them to reference the Player’s Guide during the course of the game. This Player’s Guide also serves to help assemble the emerging “Puzzle Piece Plot” that constitutes the story arc of the Rituals of Choice Adventure Path by providing the starting framework.
The default setting where the adventure path takes place is a large town known as Far-Rough along with its surrounding environment called the Edgelands, once known as the fallen Duchy of Nem before the coming of the Dramojh (Dragon Scions).
Why Far-Rough?
The Cradle of Nem, The Birthplace of Seral the Rune Messiah, the giants call it Tar-Duph but overtime the local population bastardized the giantish pronunciation so that now most everyone else calls it Far-Rough; I, Lomen Taverson, Eldritch Bard of the Evolved Arcana, call it home.
You will find my home at the center of the “Edgelands” a crossroad that can lead into the Floating Forest, the Central Plains, and the forbidding Bitter Peaks. It is an outstanding location serving as both a destination for trade, and as layover on the journey into these evocative regions. Far-Rough offers many a pursuit for both knight and seekers of fortune such as myself, from expeditions into the ancient ruins that dot the central plains, to the evocative environment of the floating forest, and even the Clandestine War of the Dark Depths. The town itself offers a unique political climate where the Hu-Charad rules over a far larger population of humans along with a mix of other races. Backed by the large numbers of non-giants the Order of the Axe challenges the power of the Diamond Throne; while the Nightwalkers and Jaren jockey for economic dominion. It is even more dramatic still for my people the “Roughfolk” judge others only by their deeds, often you will find visiting goblins, rhodin, and chorrim about town this does not even address the more astounding permanent residence that settle in both Far-Rough and the Edgelands.
Far-Rough features all the amenities and ancient traditions of an old world city, dating back to a time before the dragons left for the mysterious west, coupled with the friendly charm and the hospitality of a small town. It has an excellent variety of first-rate inns, taverns, restaurants, sages, a trade bazaar in the Traveler’s Burrow and even a magic item shop, as well as a vibrant culture scene.
My Lyre greets you, welcoming you to Far-Rough, the crossroad of adventure.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
New Witch Variant: Literary Witch, have book will travel.
Literary Witch
(Special thanks to Sue W. Cook for the original suggestion of a new witch type)
Literary Witches posses the supernatural power to manipulate the force inherent in the written word. They tend not to refer to their spells as "spells" referring to them as "quotes" and their manifestations as "style” rather than witchery. They are often teachers, sages, and/or storytellers.
The ollamh lorekeepers greatly influence and encourage the development of literary witchery amongst the Faen. While sibeccai find this a gift of civilization, well suited to their urban lifestyle. Literary witches often serve as advisors and mentors whether they are wanted or not, many seek to be tutors to those who will rise in government, so their teachings may better society on a larger scale. The offer their help directly, and are honor bound to their student, often betraying an employer who intends dishonor upon the witch’s apprentice.
Witch Book: A literary witch does not use a traditional witch bag, as she only requires a Book, Quill and Ink. (When she casts spells or uses her manifestations, she simple writes in her book.
Primary Ability: A literary witch uses Intelligence as her primary ability score rather than Wisdom for her class abilities.
Truename bonus: Add a +2 bonus to the save of any spell cast by a litetary witch if she has written the subjects truename in her witchbook.
Additional Class Skills: Decipher Script (Int) and Forgery (Cha)
Witchery: If a literary witch writes a truename in her witch book, she adds a +2 bonus to her witch spell DCs and manifestation DCs, at 10th level this bonus increases to +4, the spell gains the truename descriptor. Once per day a Literary witch can attempt to remember reading the truename of any creature they encounter. If the target creature fails a Will save (DC equals 10 plus half your witch class level plus your Intelligence modifier), the literary witch remembers the reading the creatures truename, upon a successful save the character has never read the name, and that creature is forever immune from your witchery ability (though other literary witches could try). She must then write the name in her book or she forgets the name again.
Witch manifestations
Fire: Carving Fire
Blade: Blade of Runes
Spirit: Inspirational Prose
Storm: Upset folio
Word: The Written word
Song: Song of Poetry
Carving Fire: The witch causes fiery writing to appear on any target (requires a successful ranged touch attack) within 25 feet plus 5ft for every 2 witch levels she possesses. All targets successfully attacked suffer 1d8 points of fire damage for every two witch levels she possesses, damage results in a 12 word message (language of your choice) being burnt into the surface of the target. A successful Will saving throw (DC equals 10 plus half your witch class level plus your Intelligence modifier) results in half damage and the words disappear when the damage is healed. Otherwise, a remove curse is required to remove the writing. This is a curse effect.
Blade of Runes: The witch summons a +1 runic blade. She is proficient with the blade, which functions in all respects like an ordinary dagger, short sword, or longsword. Once per day she can create a rune of affliction that will only trigger when an opponent is successfully hit with the blade of runes, the rune has caster level equal to her witch level. At 6th level the rune because a rune of blasting, At 16th level this rune becomes a rune of devastation
Inspirational prose: The literary witch may, once per day plus once more for every 5 witch levels, allow someone to read a piece of prose she has written (standard action). After doing so that creature gains an insight bonus equal to her witch level to their next skill check. This is a mind affecting language dependent ability; the benefit fades after 24 hours if it has not been used. This is a mind affecting language dependent effect.
Upset Folio: Once per day per three witch levels she possesses, the literary witch can summon a swirling cloud of pages that can appear anywhere within 100 feet of her, with a 30-foot diameter. All within the area must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the witch’s level + witch’s Intelligence modifier) or be confused for 1 round. The cloud lingers for 1 round per witch level. This is a mind affecting effect.
The Written Word: Once per day with a single written word, a literary witch can charm any opponent within 30’ for a number of hours equal to her witch level. A successful Will save negates this effect (DC 10 + half the witch's level + the witch's Wisdom modifier). This is a mind affecting effect.
Song of Poetry: as a free action, a number of times per day equal to half her witch level a literary can recite a poem she has written (often done in song). Grating a insight bonus to saving throws equal to 1+ one fifth the witch’s class level, to her allies within 30’ as long as she continues to recite poems they gain the bonus for one round per witch class level she possesses.
Witchery Spellcasting: The kismet witch gains access to the runic template and gains access to all spells with the language dependent descriptor.
Witchery Lord: The witch gains a +5 bonus to all her forgery and decipher script checks.
(Special thanks to Sue W. Cook for the original suggestion of a new witch type)
Literary Witches posses the supernatural power to manipulate the force inherent in the written word. They tend not to refer to their spells as "spells" referring to them as "quotes" and their manifestations as "style” rather than witchery. They are often teachers, sages, and/or storytellers.
The ollamh lorekeepers greatly influence and encourage the development of literary witchery amongst the Faen. While sibeccai find this a gift of civilization, well suited to their urban lifestyle. Literary witches often serve as advisors and mentors whether they are wanted or not, many seek to be tutors to those who will rise in government, so their teachings may better society on a larger scale. The offer their help directly, and are honor bound to their student, often betraying an employer who intends dishonor upon the witch’s apprentice.
Witch Book: A literary witch does not use a traditional witch bag, as she only requires a Book, Quill and Ink. (When she casts spells or uses her manifestations, she simple writes in her book.
Primary Ability: A literary witch uses Intelligence as her primary ability score rather than Wisdom for her class abilities.
Truename bonus: Add a +2 bonus to the save of any spell cast by a litetary witch if she has written the subjects truename in her witchbook.
Additional Class Skills: Decipher Script (Int) and Forgery (Cha)
Witchery: If a literary witch writes a truename in her witch book, she adds a +2 bonus to her witch spell DCs and manifestation DCs, at 10th level this bonus increases to +4, the spell gains the truename descriptor. Once per day a Literary witch can attempt to remember reading the truename of any creature they encounter. If the target creature fails a Will save (DC equals 10 plus half your witch class level plus your Intelligence modifier), the literary witch remembers the reading the creatures truename, upon a successful save the character has never read the name, and that creature is forever immune from your witchery ability (though other literary witches could try). She must then write the name in her book or she forgets the name again.
Witch manifestations
Fire: Carving Fire
Blade: Blade of Runes
Spirit: Inspirational Prose
Storm: Upset folio
Word: The Written word
Song: Song of Poetry
Carving Fire: The witch causes fiery writing to appear on any target (requires a successful ranged touch attack) within 25 feet plus 5ft for every 2 witch levels she possesses. All targets successfully attacked suffer 1d8 points of fire damage for every two witch levels she possesses, damage results in a 12 word message (language of your choice) being burnt into the surface of the target. A successful Will saving throw (DC equals 10 plus half your witch class level plus your Intelligence modifier) results in half damage and the words disappear when the damage is healed. Otherwise, a remove curse is required to remove the writing. This is a curse effect.
Blade of Runes: The witch summons a +1 runic blade. She is proficient with the blade, which functions in all respects like an ordinary dagger, short sword, or longsword. Once per day she can create a rune of affliction that will only trigger when an opponent is successfully hit with the blade of runes, the rune has caster level equal to her witch level. At 6th level the rune because a rune of blasting, At 16th level this rune becomes a rune of devastation
Inspirational prose: The literary witch may, once per day plus once more for every 5 witch levels, allow someone to read a piece of prose she has written (standard action). After doing so that creature gains an insight bonus equal to her witch level to their next skill check. This is a mind affecting language dependent ability; the benefit fades after 24 hours if it has not been used. This is a mind affecting language dependent effect.
Upset Folio: Once per day per three witch levels she possesses, the literary witch can summon a swirling cloud of pages that can appear anywhere within 100 feet of her, with a 30-foot diameter. All within the area must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the witch’s level + witch’s Intelligence modifier) or be confused for 1 round. The cloud lingers for 1 round per witch level. This is a mind affecting effect.
The Written Word: Once per day with a single written word, a literary witch can charm any opponent within 30’ for a number of hours equal to her witch level. A successful Will save negates this effect (DC 10 + half the witch's level + the witch's Wisdom modifier). This is a mind affecting effect.
Song of Poetry: as a free action, a number of times per day equal to half her witch level a literary can recite a poem she has written (often done in song). Grating a insight bonus to saving throws equal to 1+ one fifth the witch’s class level, to her allies within 30’ as long as she continues to recite poems they gain the bonus for one round per witch class level she possesses.
Witchery Spellcasting: The kismet witch gains access to the runic template and gains access to all spells with the language dependent descriptor.
Witchery Lord: The witch gains a +5 bonus to all her forgery and decipher script checks.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Five Feats (part XIV) Defeat the Monsters
There are never enough feats, (expecially if you use the Book of Experimental Might feat rules). This is the fourteenth article of 5 feats a week (70 total feats!), some are original feats others are from OGC sources, converting them to AE and editing the feats in an attempt to improve balance and avoid "feats that suck", the idea being "why take this feat when I can take power attack? " *Balance Disclaimer: these feats have not been playtested. Skill Focus is a perfectly balanced feat, it is also boring. These feats are designed to be "cool" first and "balanced" second.
I continue this week with Monstrous feats and attempting to also create Ceremonial feats, more inline with the themes of Arcana Evolved.

You are an accomplished master of the bow, capable of delivering deadly bulls-eye accuracy from a distance.
Prerequisites: Truename, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot. Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon), Weapons Specialization (any ranged weapon), Dex 13. BAB +10, in a special ceremony you strike the exact same point on a bulls-eye target (Example splitting an arrow, that had just hit the bulls-eye the attack before).
Benefit: With the ranged weapon you have weapon specialization with as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity you aim for a target’s eye adding a + 10 circumstance bonus to the target’s AC, and make a single ranged attack. If you hit your opponent must make a successful Fort save (DC 10+1/2 your character level + your Dexterity modifier) or you automatically threaten a critical hit otherwise, you miss the target. If you confirm this special critical hit, Your opponent suffers the critical damage and a permanent -1 penalty to spot checks (or is blinded if the creature has only one eye or one eye remaining) and a -1 morale penalty to attacks, saves, and checks until magically healed,
Special: creatures without eyes or are immune to critical hits are immune to this ability; Creatures immune to the mind effecting spells or affects are immune to the morale penalty.
SLIP THE GRASP [Ceremonial]
Though a special ceremony, you become extremely difficult to grapple.
Prerequisites: Truename, escape artist 5 ranks, In a ritual combat you must defeat a creature with the improved grapple special that is at least equal to your challenge rating, in this ritual combat you must never be successfully grappled.
Benefits: you gain a +2 bonus to all escape artist checks and gain an insight bonus equal to your character level against grapple checks by creatures using their improved grab special ability. If a creature has a secondary ability that requires a successful grapple check the creature must pin you in order to use this special ability on you.
Though a special ceremony, you gain immunity from a specific creature type.
Prerequisites: Truename, In a ritual combat you are nearly killed (left at negative hit points or at 1 point of Con)by the chosen monster of the specified type (examples night hag, fire subtype dragon, mojh magister);
Benefits: When subject to the attacks of a chosen monster of the specific type you gain damage reduction 15/-, elemental and energy resistance 30, spell resistance 15+ your character level, and a insight bonus to all saves and checks equal to your character level.
Special: you can only take this feat once, if you are ever killed by a chosen monster of the specific type you lose all the benefits of this feat, if a template is added to a specific creature that changes its types or subtypes it no longer subject to this feat.
OGL link
I continue this week with Monstrous feats and attempting to also create Ceremonial feats, more inline with the themes of Arcana Evolved.
Your knowledge of the inner workings of constructs allows you to gain control over them.
Prerequisites: Truename, Craft Constant Item or Bonded Item (construct), Knowledge (magic) 5 ranks or use magic device 5 ranks ; In a special ceremony with a construct you have created or with your bonded item (construct) you transfer you control to another creature and then back again to you.
Benefits: Once per day if you touch a construct and it fails a Will save (DC 10+ half your character level + your Charisma or Intelligence modifier), You gain control of that construct command it as if you were its master. A commanded construct is under your mental control, you must take a standard action to give mental orders to a commanded construct. At any one time, you may command a number of constructs whose total Hit Dice do not exceed twice your character level. You may voluntarily relinquish command on any commanded construct in order to command new ones. If a clockwork knave relinquishes command, the construct resumes their former commands, and if possible resume their former actions.
Your knowledge of the inner workings of constructs allows you to gain control over them.
Prerequisites: Truename, Craft Constant Item or Bonded Item (construct), Knowledge (magic) 5 ranks or use magic device 5 ranks ; In a special ceremony with a construct you have created or with your bonded item (construct) you transfer you control to another creature and then back again to you.
Benefits: Once per day if you touch a construct and it fails a Will save (DC 10+ half your character level + your Charisma or Intelligence modifier), You gain control of that construct command it as if you were its master. A commanded construct is under your mental control, you must take a standard action to give mental orders to a commanded construct. At any one time, you may command a number of constructs whose total Hit Dice do not exceed twice your character level. You may voluntarily relinquish command on any commanded construct in order to command new ones. If a clockwork knave relinquishes command, the construct resumes their former commands, and if possible resume their former actions.
Special: Constructs with an intelligence score are immune to this ability, unless you know their truename.
You can draw upon the spirits of your most powerful ancestors to invigorate yourself.
Prerequisites: Truename, Wis 13
Benefit: 1/day for 3 minutes plus 1 minute per point of Charisma bonus you possess you may attempt to draw upon the spirits of your ancestors, The first time you use this ability rearrange your ability scores as you desire, you may now increase these ability scores by one for every four levels you possess. You may also rearrange skill points with bonus skill points equal to 3+ your character level, and switch out feats with an additional bonus feat, once this is done the first time it cannot be altered except for additional ability points, feats and skill points gained as you level.
At the end of this period, you revert and are fatigued for an amount of time equal to the length of time you used the power of the ancestors. You can return to normal voluntarily.
Special: This feat is most common among giants and sibeccai, and it unheard of amongst the faen who have not abandoned their gods. It is recommended that you prepare this changes in advance of a gaming session.
You can draw upon the spirits of your most powerful ancestors to invigorate yourself.
Prerequisites: Truename, Wis 13
Benefit: 1/day for 3 minutes plus 1 minute per point of Charisma bonus you possess you may attempt to draw upon the spirits of your ancestors, The first time you use this ability rearrange your ability scores as you desire, you may now increase these ability scores by one for every four levels you possess. You may also rearrange skill points with bonus skill points equal to 3+ your character level, and switch out feats with an additional bonus feat, once this is done the first time it cannot be altered except for additional ability points, feats and skill points gained as you level.
At the end of this period, you revert and are fatigued for an amount of time equal to the length of time you used the power of the ancestors. You can return to normal voluntarily.
Special: This feat is most common among giants and sibeccai, and it unheard of amongst the faen who have not abandoned their gods. It is recommended that you prepare this changes in advance of a gaming session.

You are an accomplished master of the bow, capable of delivering deadly bulls-eye accuracy from a distance.
Prerequisites: Truename, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot. Weapon Focus (any ranged weapon), Weapons Specialization (any ranged weapon), Dex 13. BAB +10, in a special ceremony you strike the exact same point on a bulls-eye target (Example splitting an arrow, that had just hit the bulls-eye the attack before).
Benefit: With the ranged weapon you have weapon specialization with as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity you aim for a target’s eye adding a + 10 circumstance bonus to the target’s AC, and make a single ranged attack. If you hit your opponent must make a successful Fort save (DC 10+1/2 your character level + your Dexterity modifier) or you automatically threaten a critical hit otherwise, you miss the target. If you confirm this special critical hit, Your opponent suffers the critical damage and a permanent -1 penalty to spot checks (or is blinded if the creature has only one eye or one eye remaining) and a -1 morale penalty to attacks, saves, and checks until magically healed,
Special: creatures without eyes or are immune to critical hits are immune to this ability; Creatures immune to the mind effecting spells or affects are immune to the morale penalty.
SLIP THE GRASP [Ceremonial]
Though a special ceremony, you become extremely difficult to grapple.
Prerequisites: Truename, escape artist 5 ranks, In a ritual combat you must defeat a creature with the improved grapple special that is at least equal to your challenge rating, in this ritual combat you must never be successfully grappled.
Benefits: you gain a +2 bonus to all escape artist checks and gain an insight bonus equal to your character level against grapple checks by creatures using their improved grab special ability. If a creature has a secondary ability that requires a successful grapple check the creature must pin you in order to use this special ability on you.
Though a special ceremony, you gain immunity from a specific creature type.
Prerequisites: Truename, In a ritual combat you are nearly killed (left at negative hit points or at 1 point of Con)by the chosen monster of the specified type (examples night hag, fire subtype dragon, mojh magister);
Benefits: When subject to the attacks of a chosen monster of the specific type you gain damage reduction 15/-, elemental and energy resistance 30, spell resistance 15+ your character level, and a insight bonus to all saves and checks equal to your character level.
Special: you can only take this feat once, if you are ever killed by a chosen monster of the specific type you lose all the benefits of this feat, if a template is added to a specific creature that changes its types or subtypes it no longer subject to this feat.
OGL link
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Champion of Commerce
(Special thanks to Sue W. Cook for the original suggestion for a new champion type)
The champion of commerce defends trade and property for its own sake. They seek to find new business opportunities, trade routes, and innovations. They promote the exchange of goods, services, information, and currency. They oppose the loss of money, theft, debtors, and state intrusions. Champions of Commerce are close companions to merchants, as champions of magic are to magisters.
Champions of commerce use trade as both their arms and armor. Everything has a price except the integrity of a bargain. These champions are opportunistic, mercenary, and loyal to their word. Champions of Commerce are often practical/cowardly, materialistic/avaricious, and honest.
Champions of commerce often carry some type of currency as a symbol, and often their armor is decorated with many ancient forms of currency and those of distant lands.
Special: The champion of commerce may start play with the wealth for a character one level higher than his champion of commerce class level. .
Special: When purchasing equipment from friendly merchants champions of commerce automatically reduce the cost of any item purchased by 10%, this discount applies to all a characters starting equipment costs
1st Level—Mercenary Act (Ex): The champion of commerce gains a +1 attack bonus against anyone opponent the champion is paid to fight. If a champion of commerce is not paid with a proscribed amount of time or their bargain is broken (DM adjudication) the champion looses this benefit until they perform another mercenary act successfully.
5th Level—Ransom foe (Sp): The champion of commerce can use grant quarter (see Spell Treasury) 1/day with a programmed condition that a specific amount of money be paid before an individual be released from the spell. its caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
10th Level—The Gift of Commerce (Su): The champion gains a +4 competence bonus to all Diplomacy and Profession checks.
15th Level—Trade Agreement (Sp): Once per day the champion of commerce can use summoning pact its caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
20th Level—Binding Agreements (Sp): The champion of commerce can create a heightened oathcord effect on any agreement made within 30’ of the champion its caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
25th Level—Merchant Prince (Sp): The champion of commerce can cast lord of the city once per day with a caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
Avatar’s Allies: The champion of commerce’s allies appear to be humanoid forms clad in coin armor. Their weapons gain the bane special property against opponents the champion is paid to fight. .
True Shield: The champion of commerce’s shield appears to be a glistening gigantic single coin. It protects all the champions property granting his property either a hardness of 15 or Damage Reduction 15/crystal (30/+5) and immune to all spells as if it were a golem and subject only to spells with the curse and runic descriptors.
True Weapon: The champion of commerce’s weapon appears to be a lovely crystalline or crystal woven weapon (champion’s choice) though it still follows the standard equipment guidelines. It gains the bane special property against any opponent the champion is paid to fight (DM Adjudication).
The champion of commerce defends trade and property for its own sake. They seek to find new business opportunities, trade routes, and innovations. They promote the exchange of goods, services, information, and currency. They oppose the loss of money, theft, debtors, and state intrusions. Champions of Commerce are close companions to merchants, as champions of magic are to magisters.
Champions of commerce use trade as both their arms and armor. Everything has a price except the integrity of a bargain. These champions are opportunistic, mercenary, and loyal to their word. Champions of Commerce are often practical/cowardly, materialistic/avaricious, and honest.
Champions of commerce often carry some type of currency as a symbol, and often their armor is decorated with many ancient forms of currency and those of distant lands.
Special: The champion of commerce may start play with the wealth for a character one level higher than his champion of commerce class level. .
Special: When purchasing equipment from friendly merchants champions of commerce automatically reduce the cost of any item purchased by 10%, this discount applies to all a characters starting equipment costs
1st Level—Mercenary Act (Ex): The champion of commerce gains a +1 attack bonus against anyone opponent the champion is paid to fight. If a champion of commerce is not paid with a proscribed amount of time or their bargain is broken (DM adjudication) the champion looses this benefit until they perform another mercenary act successfully.
5th Level—Ransom foe (Sp): The champion of commerce can use grant quarter (see Spell Treasury) 1/day with a programmed condition that a specific amount of money be paid before an individual be released from the spell. its caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
10th Level—The Gift of Commerce (Su): The champion gains a +4 competence bonus to all Diplomacy and Profession checks.
15th Level—Trade Agreement (Sp): Once per day the champion of commerce can use summoning pact its caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
20th Level—Binding Agreements (Sp): The champion of commerce can create a heightened oathcord effect on any agreement made within 30’ of the champion its caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
25th Level—Merchant Prince (Sp): The champion of commerce can cast lord of the city once per day with a caster level is equal to the champion’s class level.
Avatar’s Allies: The champion of commerce’s allies appear to be humanoid forms clad in coin armor. Their weapons gain the bane special property against opponents the champion is paid to fight. .
True Shield: The champion of commerce’s shield appears to be a glistening gigantic single coin. It protects all the champions property granting his property either a hardness of 15 or Damage Reduction 15/crystal (30/+5) and immune to all spells as if it were a golem and subject only to spells with the curse and runic descriptors.
True Weapon: The champion of commerce’s weapon appears to be a lovely crystalline or crystal woven weapon (champion’s choice) though it still follows the standard equipment guidelines. It gains the bane special property against any opponent the champion is paid to fight (DM Adjudication).
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Five Feats (part XIII) Monstrous Feats Evolved!
There are never enough feats, (expecially if you use the Book of Experimental Might feat rules). This is the thirtenth article of 5 feats a week (65 total feats!), some are original feats others are from OGC sources, converting them to AE and editing the feats in an attempt to improve balance and avoid "feats that suck", the idea being "why take this feat when I can take power attack? " *Balance Disclaimer: these feats have not been playtested. Skill Focus is a perfectly balanced feat, it is also boring. These feats are designed to be "cool" first and "balanced" second.
I continue this week with Monstrous feats and attempting to also create Ceremonial feats, more inline with the themes of Arcana Evolved.

A special mount chooses you to be its rider and no other.
Prerequisites: Truename, In a special ceremony you chose of your own free will a rider, if ever you allow another to ride you for any reason you lose the benefits of this feat forever.
Benefits: Your chosen rider may roll a d20 plus your hit dice +3 instead of his or her ride check. .You may also once per round choose to negate melee or ranged attack roll made against your chosen rider, if you succeed with a reflex save (DC equal to the AC hit by the attack roll) you suffer the damage and effect of the attack, rather than the rider regardless if it would not have hit your AC.
As an avowed defender you can deny the power of magic over the world around you.
Prerequisite: Truename, Spell Resistance 15+, In a special ceremony, you use your body and your spell resistance to shield another from an attack via a challenging spell (highest spell level a magister equal to your caster level could cast).
Benefit: Anyone within your natural reach gains the benefit of your Spell Resistance.
You can use your tentacle to grapple multiple foes.
Prerequisites: Improved Grab, tentacle attack, Huge size or greater
Benefits: you can grapple multiple creatures with a single tentacle based on your size
Huge: 2 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, or 128 Diminutive or smaller opponents
Gargantuan or greater: 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, 512 Tiny or smaller opponents.
Through ritual and concentration, you learn to enhance your supernatural and spell-like abilities.
Prerequisites: Truename, Ability Focus, supernatural or spell-like ability, You meditate for three days with another creature who has the exact same supernatural or spell-like ability, on the third day you companion uses the ability on you.
Benefits: you can gain additional uses with the supernatural ability or spell-like ability subject to your ability focus. This additional use will not function more than once per encounter, but it will allow a total number of additional uses per day equal to 3+you Charisma Modifier.
Your poison is especially virulent as it is mixed with the power of forgotten nightmares
Prerequisites: Truename, Poison special quality from a natural attack, Ability Focus (Poison), in a special ceremony you go without sleep for seven days and nights, you also ingest special drugs that cause you to have waking nightmares.
Benefits: Those who fail both initial and secondary poison effects are afflicted with a magically cursed poison as well; henceforth they will gain no rest from sleep suffering both fatigue and exhaustion due to the terrible night terrors they experience when they do try to sleep. A remove curse must be cast with a successful power check (DCequal to the poison save DC plus half your hit dice).
OGL link
I continue this week with Monstrous feats and attempting to also create Ceremonial feats, more inline with the themes of Arcana Evolved.

A special mount chooses you to be its rider and no other.
Prerequisites: Truename, In a special ceremony you chose of your own free will a rider, if ever you allow another to ride you for any reason you lose the benefits of this feat forever.
Benefits: Your chosen rider may roll a d20 plus your hit dice +3 instead of his or her ride check. .You may also once per round choose to negate melee or ranged attack roll made against your chosen rider, if you succeed with a reflex save (DC equal to the AC hit by the attack roll) you suffer the damage and effect of the attack, rather than the rider regardless if it would not have hit your AC.
As an avowed defender you can deny the power of magic over the world around you.
Prerequisite: Truename, Spell Resistance 15+, In a special ceremony, you use your body and your spell resistance to shield another from an attack via a challenging spell (highest spell level a magister equal to your caster level could cast).
Benefit: Anyone within your natural reach gains the benefit of your Spell Resistance.
You can use your tentacle to grapple multiple foes.
Prerequisites: Improved Grab, tentacle attack, Huge size or greater
Benefits: you can grapple multiple creatures with a single tentacle based on your size
Huge: 2 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, or 128 Diminutive or smaller opponents
Gargantuan or greater: 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, 512 Tiny or smaller opponents.
Through ritual and concentration, you learn to enhance your supernatural and spell-like abilities.
Prerequisites: Truename, Ability Focus, supernatural or spell-like ability, You meditate for three days with another creature who has the exact same supernatural or spell-like ability, on the third day you companion uses the ability on you.
Benefits: you can gain additional uses with the supernatural ability or spell-like ability subject to your ability focus. This additional use will not function more than once per encounter, but it will allow a total number of additional uses per day equal to 3+you Charisma Modifier.
Your poison is especially virulent as it is mixed with the power of forgotten nightmares
Prerequisites: Truename, Poison special quality from a natural attack, Ability Focus (Poison), in a special ceremony you go without sleep for seven days and nights, you also ingest special drugs that cause you to have waking nightmares.
Benefits: Those who fail both initial and secondary poison effects are afflicted with a magically cursed poison as well; henceforth they will gain no rest from sleep suffering both fatigue and exhaustion due to the terrible night terrors they experience when they do try to sleep. A remove curse must be cast with a successful power check (DCequal to the poison save DC plus half your hit dice).
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
Far-Rough Part I: A new regional setting within the Lands of the Diamond Throne.
Why venture to Far-Rough?
Far-Rough, The Cradle of Nem, The Birthplace of Seral the Rune Messiah, Tar-Ruph; is located at the center of the “Edgelands” a crossroad that can lead into the Floating Forest, The Central Plains, and the forbidding Bitter Peaks. It is an outstanding location serving as both a destination for trade, and as layover on the journey into these evocative regions. Far-Rough offers many a pursuit for both knight and soldier of fortune, from expeditions into the ancient ruins that dot the central plains, to the evocative environment of the Floating Forest, and even the Clandestine War of the Dark Depths. The town itself offers a unique political climate where the Order of the Axe challenges the power of the Diamond Throne; and the Nightwalkers and Jaren jockey for economic dominion.
Far-Rough features all the amenities and ancient traditions of an old world city, coupled with friendly charm and the hospitality of a small town. It has an excellent variety of first-rate inns, taverns, restaurants, sages, a trade bazaar and even a magic item shop, as well as a vibrant culture scene.
Welcome to Far-Rough, the crossroad of adventure.
Designer’s POV
Why create Far-rough?
The Lands of the Diamond Throne gives you a framework, but wanted to create some DMs do not have the time to create all the details, Far-Rough is that kind of setting book and provide a treasury for other DMs to loot from. Take what you like ignore the rest. I started with a large town out on the edges because it would be less likely to interfere with other material created for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved by other authors and within existing campaigns. I also wanted to touch on the theme of Evolution; the town will grow and change over time developing into a city. Its name is a human bastardization of the Giantish name for the Town, showing the Throne’s lack of influence away from their powerbase along the Ghostwash.
Far-rough is the default “homebase” setting for the Rituals of Choice adventure path.
Far-Rough, The Cradle of Nem, The Birthplace of Seral the Rune Messiah, Tar-Ruph; is located at the center of the “Edgelands” a crossroad that can lead into the Floating Forest, The Central Plains, and the forbidding Bitter Peaks. It is an outstanding location serving as both a destination for trade, and as layover on the journey into these evocative regions. Far-Rough offers many a pursuit for both knight and soldier of fortune, from expeditions into the ancient ruins that dot the central plains, to the evocative environment of the Floating Forest, and even the Clandestine War of the Dark Depths. The town itself offers a unique political climate where the Order of the Axe challenges the power of the Diamond Throne; and the Nightwalkers and Jaren jockey for economic dominion.
Far-Rough features all the amenities and ancient traditions of an old world city, coupled with friendly charm and the hospitality of a small town. It has an excellent variety of first-rate inns, taverns, restaurants, sages, a trade bazaar and even a magic item shop, as well as a vibrant culture scene.
Welcome to Far-Rough, the crossroad of adventure.
Designer’s POV
Why create Far-rough?
The Lands of the Diamond Throne gives you a framework, but wanted to create some DMs do not have the time to create all the details, Far-Rough is that kind of setting book and provide a treasury for other DMs to loot from. Take what you like ignore the rest. I started with a large town out on the edges because it would be less likely to interfere with other material created for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved by other authors and within existing campaigns. I also wanted to touch on the theme of Evolution; the town will grow and change over time developing into a city. Its name is a human bastardization of the Giantish name for the Town, showing the Throne’s lack of influence away from their powerbase along the Ghostwash.
Far-rough is the default “homebase” setting for the Rituals of Choice adventure path.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Five Feats (XII) Suprise! Look what I can do.
There are never enough feats, (expecially if you use the BoXM feat rules). This is the twelth article of 5 feats a week (60 total feats!), from OGC sources, converting them to AE and editing the feats in an attempt to improve balance and avoid "feats that suck", the idea being "why take this feat when I can take power attack? " *Balance Disclaimer: these feats have not been playtested. Skill Focus is a perfectly balanced feat, it is also boring. These feats are designed to be "cool" first and "balanced" second.
I continue this week with spelltouched feats and converting them to ceremonial feats.
Your eyes can penetrate the murkiest of surroundings.
Prerequisite: Truename, Sense the Unseen, Wis 13, Spot 14 ranks, Darkvision or Low-light vision, in a special ceremony you must navigate you way across a special obstacle course within a limited time period that is filled with fog.
Benefit: You have superior vision while within an area obscured by a fog effect. Creatures within 5 feet are completely visible to you (it has no concealment and thus your attacks have no miss chance) and creatures farther away are only concealed (not totally concealed; your attacks have a 20% miss chance instead of 50%). This feat does not help penetrate darkness, either normal or magical (such as that caused by a darkness spell).
You can share your pain with your opponent.
Prerequisite: Truename, Great Fortitude, Sturdy, Concentration 5 ranks, Con 13, In a special ceremonial duel you are rendered disabled by your opponent, you must then strike a powerful blow against you opponent before you are rendered unconscious.
Benefit: Once per day when you and effect or damage causes enough hit point damage to render you disabled dying or dead, you may channel some of that damage back to your opponent. The moment you suffer the damage or effect the opponent who caused this takes one-half of the damage (Hit Point loss) it took to reach the resulting condition unless your opponent succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier prior to the effect), in which case your opponent takes no damage and you suffer the full damage. If your opponent fails the Fortitude saving throw then your opponent takes the damage even if your opponent is normally immune, resistant, or has damage reduction in reference to the source of the damage and is normally immune to fortitude saves (such as an undead is usually immune to energy drain, a fire elemental is normally immune to fire.). You have no choice in when to use this feat; the first time in a 24-hour period that you have enough damage or an effect creates one of the three conditions the feat activates whether the damage caused is 2 or 20 hit points.

TRAVEL THE LINE [Ceremonial]
You can disappear from one spot only to appear a moment later in another spot.
Prerequisite: Truename, Survival 10 ranks, in a special ceremony, you journey via a teleport spell along a travel line and then you walk the line back. .
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action you may teleport yourself instantaneously between two locations as a standard action. The teleportation is limited to a location within a 400-foot radius you have been to before and only affects you and your immediate equipment; you may not take along any additional creatures or items that exceed your maximum load. If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body the teleportation fails, you are stunned for 1d4 rounds, and may not attempt another Instantaneous Transfer for one week.
Those who try to charm or dominate you get an unpleasant surprise.
Prerequisite: Truename, Iron Will, bluff 5 ranks, In a special ceremony you must successfully resist seven times a challenging charm or compulsion spell
Benefit: When you succeed on a save against a charm or compulsion effect including Power of the Name, the opponent trying to charm or compel you believes that you failed your save. You can play along voluntarily if you wish with a successful bluff check opposed by your opponent’s sense motive. If the charm or compulsion involves telepathic commands, you continue to receive them, although you are not obligated to follow them.
WALK ON AIR [Ceremonial]
You can make yourself light on your feet.
Prerequisite: Truename, Skill Focus or Skill Affinity (sneak), Sneak 10 ranks, Dex 13, In a special ceremony you must remain out of contact with any element except air (excluding only your flesh).
Benefit: Once per day you may lift your feet to where they hover just above the surface you are on (about one or two inches above the surface) for 1 encounter. This allows you to move across any type of solid, or liquid surface, but not air, without leaving footprints or sinking down. In addition, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to any Sneak checks. Note that this feat does not mask your smell so that you can still be tracked by scent. If your feet are below a liquid’s surface when you invoke this power, it causes you to rise to the surface at the rate equal to your run swim speed.
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I continue this week with spelltouched feats and converting them to ceremonial feats.
Your eyes can penetrate the murkiest of surroundings.
Prerequisite: Truename, Sense the Unseen, Wis 13, Spot 14 ranks, Darkvision or Low-light vision, in a special ceremony you must navigate you way across a special obstacle course within a limited time period that is filled with fog.
Benefit: You have superior vision while within an area obscured by a fog effect. Creatures within 5 feet are completely visible to you (it has no concealment and thus your attacks have no miss chance) and creatures farther away are only concealed (not totally concealed; your attacks have a 20% miss chance instead of 50%). This feat does not help penetrate darkness, either normal or magical (such as that caused by a darkness spell).
You can share your pain with your opponent.
Prerequisite: Truename, Great Fortitude, Sturdy, Concentration 5 ranks, Con 13, In a special ceremonial duel you are rendered disabled by your opponent, you must then strike a powerful blow against you opponent before you are rendered unconscious.
Benefit: Once per day when you and effect or damage causes enough hit point damage to render you disabled dying or dead, you may channel some of that damage back to your opponent. The moment you suffer the damage or effect the opponent who caused this takes one-half of the damage (Hit Point loss) it took to reach the resulting condition unless your opponent succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your Hit Dice + your Constitution modifier prior to the effect), in which case your opponent takes no damage and you suffer the full damage. If your opponent fails the Fortitude saving throw then your opponent takes the damage even if your opponent is normally immune, resistant, or has damage reduction in reference to the source of the damage and is normally immune to fortitude saves (such as an undead is usually immune to energy drain, a fire elemental is normally immune to fire.). You have no choice in when to use this feat; the first time in a 24-hour period that you have enough damage or an effect creates one of the three conditions the feat activates whether the damage caused is 2 or 20 hit points.

TRAVEL THE LINE [Ceremonial]
You can disappear from one spot only to appear a moment later in another spot.
Prerequisite: Truename, Survival 10 ranks, in a special ceremony, you journey via a teleport spell along a travel line and then you walk the line back. .
Benefit: Once per day as a standard action you may teleport yourself instantaneously between two locations as a standard action. The teleportation is limited to a location within a 400-foot radius you have been to before and only affects you and your immediate equipment; you may not take along any additional creatures or items that exceed your maximum load. If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body the teleportation fails, you are stunned for 1d4 rounds, and may not attempt another Instantaneous Transfer for one week.
Those who try to charm or dominate you get an unpleasant surprise.
Prerequisite: Truename, Iron Will, bluff 5 ranks, In a special ceremony you must successfully resist seven times a challenging charm or compulsion spell
Benefit: When you succeed on a save against a charm or compulsion effect including Power of the Name, the opponent trying to charm or compel you believes that you failed your save. You can play along voluntarily if you wish with a successful bluff check opposed by your opponent’s sense motive. If the charm or compulsion involves telepathic commands, you continue to receive them, although you are not obligated to follow them.
WALK ON AIR [Ceremonial]
You can make yourself light on your feet.
Prerequisite: Truename, Skill Focus or Skill Affinity (sneak), Sneak 10 ranks, Dex 13, In a special ceremony you must remain out of contact with any element except air (excluding only your flesh).
Benefit: Once per day you may lift your feet to where they hover just above the surface you are on (about one or two inches above the surface) for 1 encounter. This allows you to move across any type of solid, or liquid surface, but not air, without leaving footprints or sinking down. In addition, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to any Sneak checks. Note that this feat does not mask your smell so that you can still be tracked by scent. If your feet are below a liquid’s surface when you invoke this power, it causes you to rise to the surface at the rate equal to your run swim speed.
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