Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Adventuring Tropes and PCs

Here is an example of a trope (storytelling devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations.) that I used in my own game and how the trope evolved over the course of play.

 One of my players Doug is playing an akashic/litorian named Alejandro Breezestalker who works as a tracker and seeker for the Jaren, his basic character idea was a master who is seeking the right apprentice. In my current game each of the player characters has a secret event he player does not know about, that has been added to the Jigsaw Puzzle Plot of the campaign Myth Arc.

 One bit of Myth Arc you will need to know is that every PC is unstuck in time, this explains where a PC goes when the player is not there, and why PCs suddenly appear when  a PC arrives at a game late.  He is moving forward in time to an unknown destination, but always returns near other PCs.

 In Doug’s case I always had his PC arrive from a direction the party was headed, and later when they went that direction they would run into traps set by a manipulative bastard named Duskin Pitt who had killed Doug’s mentor.

 In reality Doug is dealing with a combination of the Tomato in the Mirror, Demonic Possession, and The Puppet Masters.  Duskin Pitt is actually a Soul Rider (See Ptolus or think of the Ravers from Stephen R Donaldson’s Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever).  Duskin is using Doug’s PC as one of its many hosts; in this case they are attempting to stop the destruction of civilization by an alliance of Heralds of Annialation, Rune Reavers, and Shadow Fey.

His apprentice comes in to the picture as a host in training, someone Doug's PC will have to defend, and is likely to be the "face" of Duskin Pitt in the future should Doug succeed in ridding himself of Duskin Pitt's possession.  If you a comic book fan think Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Ogen.

 This is the limit of my outline so that Doug is not railroaded into any course of action, he could ally with the soul rider seeking to assist its work or it could seek the help of the shadow fey in removing it, or finding a third option it’s up to him.

 I can tell you the player loves the idea that many of the things that have been happening (Including the assassination of the lady protector) he has been an unknowing and unwilling participate in, you can really see his emotional investment not just in his character but in the campaign that character is part of. 

I found it fascinating how this piece that could have easily been misused and railroaded down the characters throat, has been embraced by the player and has become a wonderful part of our sandbox, 

I encourage you to pic a trope and see what you can do to tie a trope to a PC without railroading him.  Next time I will show you want I did with Either Or Prophecy 



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