Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Litorians Trailer

Litorians is now available for sale and here is the trailer!

Narrated by Soren Keis Thustrup

Mondays & Magic; City of Spells: Alter Self (By Steven D. Russell)

Changing Fashions

One of the newest fashions to arise in the current age of Questhaven is the use of magic to enhance fashion or become the default style, This habit arises from the display of wealth and prestige that comes from having access to magic, and it also has a practical use, as many members the Questor’s Society and Court of the Circle do not wish to remove clothing, armor and jewelry that protects them or enhances their abilities. Hats of Disguise and glamoured armor, weapons and shields are quite popular to such a point that it is always wise to assume that no one in the guild is wearing what they appear to be. This statement of fashion of course travels down the social ladder that those of moderate means will invest in minor magical potions that change their appearance.

This trend has the additional effect of allowing folk who often need to travel about in disguise being able to do so easily, and that many don’t even need to as often it is simply assumed to be someone playing around with some form of polymorph magic. It has also lead to the open use of a true seeing spell to be considered a social taboo, though the government requires they use in key locations and gatherings. Furthermore openly discussing the true appearance of anyone in Questhaven is considered yet another social taboo, though it is the height of gossip in private.

Do to the mass number of alter self potions that are sold in the city their price is only one copper piece above their creation cost, while glamoured object enhancements are often included by the Honorable Order of Theurgic Master Craftsmen at no additional costs, the guild also refuses to sell and manufacture gems of seeing to anyone who does not sit of the Circle of Heroes, and even then they do so secretly. They also actively suppress the sale of the expensive eye ointment that is used as the material component in true seeing making it

This does not even begin to deal with issues such as the Intimate Shape Festhall.

Fridays & Functions: Interview with Robert N. Emerson

Ritual of Salt

Illustration by Hugo Solis

Robert N. Emerson

1. So you have a good host of authors on this project, do you have a favorite?

I’m going to have to go with ‘All of Them’, possibly excluding myself for proprieties sake, as they did some solid work and it’s all pulled together quite seamlessly. They’re talented folk who I’m quite humbled to have had worked with.

Litorians is the culmination of its fine pieces and it flows together well enough that all the authors seem of a communal thought and I liked that, a lot.

12. Describe your best moment working on Litorians?

While the whole experience has been the best, I’d say that the beginning, when I was asked to not only work on it, but to being the developer, as the best moment. I’m still floored when I think about it today, as it’s just one of those awesome, yet fearful moments.

That was definitely the best moment, for me, of the whole project and I hope that my contribution made things for the better.

13. What do you feel was the most ingenious part of Litorians?

I’d say the overall way things came together, between what the patrons talked about and how the designers delivered it. There were so many ways and directions that things could have gone, yet we ended up with where it was best to go, I think.

But, as should be no surprise, I’m a fan of patronage projects and the methods they use for design and development. I think it adds an enjoyably unique layer to a project, which can lead to some ingenious stuff.

14. What specific design choice are you most happy with, and why?

I’m really pleased with the village that we wrapped the project around. It gave us this center piece to play off of and I think it came off quite nicely.

Hopefully others agree with me, too.

15. Which design element was the hardest to figure out, and why?

I’d say the balance between flavor and mechanics; at least that was the hard part for me. I can just blather on about something for a good long while without throwing a rule in edgewise. But, with some help, I got a better idea of that fine balance and worked through the learning.

It’s sort of how I am when I run a game, too. I need to find that balance between narration and throwing dice, and when I do it’s a fun time for all.

16. What did you learn about design and especially designing for Arcana Evolved?


One of the perks, I think, of working with so many experienced designers was seeing the differentiation in their methods, styles, and how it all comes together.

It’s not false humility or sycophancy, but I really learned a lot from the folks working on the project since, out of all of them, I’m rookie, so to speak. Between designing, developing, and editing on the project, I think I’ve improved my tradecraft a nice amount and I’m very thankful for that.

While a lot of it is things I knew, or knew of, before, it’s just in a sharper clarity now and I think that’s a good thing.

17. What have you learned about Litorians during the creation of this book?

I’d say my sense of their stoic nobility grow more underlined and pronounced for me, although it’s always been there to a degree.

See, I’ve only played two races in Arcana Evolved; Faen and Litorian. That’s it, and I’ve enjoyed them both a lot and I wish this book at been part of my experiences then, as I would have played Rathe, my litorian oathsworn, a bit differently. However, a lot of my thoughts on how Rathe was, as a litorian, are also present in the book.

18. Did you make any mistakes or miscalculations in the design process? How did you fix them?

If we made any, we must have fixed them, since I can’t remember them right now.

I know, that sounds so dodgy, but it’s not meant to be. See, I can’t really think of any mistake, as it all came together well, in the end, and that’s what really matters. Heck, that’s life when you think about it. If all we did was ruminate, evermore, on the mistakes we’ve made than they’re anchors to progress, instead of fuel. Myself, I through mistakes in the hopper and use them as fuels for improvement.

So, while I’m sure we made lots of mistakes, as we’re only human, I can’t think of any right now.

19. There seems to be a very low level for anthropomorphic creatures in d20 community, how did you handle that during the creation of Litorians?

Honestly? I just ignored it.

At its basest, anthropomorphism is a flavor element and once that choice is made, then you just move forward with the design and development. While not a comparison, Lewis and Tolkien didn’t seem to have an issue with it and they were very close friends and successful authors who used anthropomorphism to various degrees.

When you really look at it, with or without anthropomorphic races, we are taking characteristics that we see in our world and magnifying them upon a species in a game so that we can explore them with our imagination. Whatever the traipsing, the framework is much the same.

20. Are you happy with where Litorians is today?

I’m quite pleased with the way that Litorians turned out, as it’s not only a beautiful layout; it’s also a fine group effort by some various talented folk. Sure, I’m a bit biased, for obvious reasons, but I’m happy with it, none the less.

World of Sinnybarr Patronage Project! (April Fool's Joke)

Welcome to the World of Sinnybarr

Patronage Project

Get ready for Giant Mutant Fire Clams, Flying Grizzly Bears capable of shooting laser beams from their eyes and playing with out a cental game mechanic.

Sinnybarr is actually Mars 50,000 years in the future, hollowed out and turned into a spaceship to take humanity to a safe place after the Earth has been destroyed. Civilization is beginning to be rebuilt after a series of disasters and technology is practiced as a religion.

Written by Darren MacLennan

3,000,000 word full color hardback

Tenative Release date Jannuary1st 51,993 AD

Patronage $200.00

Senior Patronage $0.01

Litorians Preview #3 Advanced Earth-Infused Evolved Bulette

Leaping Bulette image by Hugo Solis

This monster from Litorians has been converted to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Jolunga (CR 14)

XP 38,400

Advanced Earth-Infused Evolved Bulette

Huge magical beast (earth)

Init +8; Senses darkvision 90 ft., low light vision, scent, tremorsense 90 ft.; Perception +13,


AC 29, touch 13, flat-footed 25

(+4 Dex, +16 natural, +1 morale, –2 size)

hp 207 (16d10+119)

Fort +18 Ref +15 Will +7

Resistance 15 acid and earth

Special Defense elemental body


Jolunga prefers to attack from surprise, pouncing out from beneath the earth or out of the side of a rock face. If an opponent attempts to flee from her she uses her crush attack in an attempt to pin them. If forced to flee she will use her stomp feat, trampling any opponents before burrowing into the earth.


Speed 50 ft., burrow 40 ft.

Melee bite +26 (2d10+15/19-20) and 2 claws +21 (2d8+10)

Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Special Attacks crush, feral bond, grounded, leap, pounce, trample, rake, savage bite


Str 31 Dex 19 Con 24 Int 4 Wis 13 Cha 6

Base Atk +16 CMB +28 CMD 42

Feats Alertness, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Stomp, Track, Trample, Weapon Focus (bite, claw)

Skills Acrobatics +20, Perception +13


Crush (Ex): This allows Jolunga when jumping to land on opponents as a standard action, using its whole body to crush them. Jolunga’s crush attacks are effective only against creatures of a Medium size category or smaller.

A crush attack affects as many creatures as can fit under the bulette’s body. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 26) or be pinned, automatically taking 2d10+15 points of bludgeoning damage during the next round unless the bulette moves off them. If the bulette chooses to maintain the pin, treat it as a normal grapple attack. Pinned opponents take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape. The save DC is Constitution-based with a +2 racial bonus.

Elemental Body (Ex): Jolunga’s body has gained some of the qualities of elementals. Each time Jolunga is exposed to a poison, paralysis, sleep, or a stunning effect, she has a 35% chance to avoid it.

In addition, there is a 35% chance that a sneak attack or critical hit deals no extra damage.

Feral Bond (Ex): Saliza and Jolunga gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and Armor Class whenever they are within 5 feet of each other; this is included in the stat block above.

Grounded (Ex): While in contact with the earth, Jolunga gains a +3 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls for melee attacks. Jolunga does not receive this bonus when leaping or pouncing; this bonus is not included in the stats above.

In addition once per day Jolunga can use her Stomp feat as a swift action.

Leap (Ex): Jolunga can jump into the air during combat. This allows her to make four claw attacks instead of two, each with a +24 attack bonus, but she cannot bite.

Pounce (Ex): If Jolunga makes a jumping charge, she can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +21 melee, damage 2d8+10.

Savage Bite (Ex): Jolunga deals 1-1/2 times her Strength modifier with her bite attacks, and threatens a critical hit on a 19–20.

STOMP [General]

Using your great size and mass, you cause the ground to shudder.

Prerequisites: Size Large, Str 19

Benefits: You can stamp your foot or slam your fist on

the ground (as a standard action), causing it to shake.

All creatures smaller than you within 10 feet must make

a Acrobatics check (DC 10 + your Strength modifier) or

fall prone.