Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mondays & Magic; City of Spells: Alarm (By Steven D. Russell)

The Merchant Princess Butressa Oathtaker has gained a great deal of power and prestige amongst the Questor’s Society by providing a large number of permanent alarm spells throughout the Evocative City.

While she has crafted a few protecting the outer areas of Questhaven’s treasury, and the storage vaults and hidden ateliers of the Honorable Order of Theurgic Master Craftsmen, the majority of her work has been done for thePrincipled Fellowship of Upright Moneylenders, guarding their strong boxes and residences from thieving crews.

Secretly she also has aided the thieving crews in protecting their own precious wares and ill gotten earnings, she has refused their "requests" to reveal the secrets of her wardings. It is said she has a standing order with theValkyries of the Great Church of the Pantheon to recover her body and return her to life, should she be killed and as such she is immune to most threats, and her success makes apparently makes her immune to bribes as well.

There are rumors however that she has gone against guild law and sells stones of alarm and a variant that creates a silent alarm. an item that can create a single active alarm spell once each day. The craftsmen at this time have chosen not to purse or enforce their controls upon her due to the much needed service she performs.

Stone of Silent Alarm

Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd Slot —; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


This stone cube, when given the command word, affixes itself to any object. If that object is touched thereafter by anyone who does not first speak that same command word, the stone emits a mental alarm to the creature that affixed the stone to the object if they are within one mile of the stone.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alarm; Cost 1,500 gp

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