Thursday, November 29, 2007

Interview with Bill Collins Part IV (Tell It To My Axe)

This concludes the long interview with Bill Collins, as we talk about Tell It To My Axe (his choice). You can find Part I HERE and/or Part II HERE and/or Part III HERE

37. What advice would you give to fans of AE?
Keep playing. Go to conventions. Introduce the game to others. Reinvent your AE game periodically to keep it fresh and interesting.

38. What do you think the future is for AE?
Groups here and there will still play it and adapt it for other settings (like Ptolus) and needs. The future is also going to be as a significant design influence on an entire generation of gamers. I could see the refreshing of AE that I mentioned before happening with 5 th Edition D&D, honestly, at least in spirit.

39. How did you feal when you saw the final layout for the finished product? What were you impressions of alfredo lopez, Jr and his work that appeared in The Ways of Mounted Combat.?
Let me say this. Justin and I have different opinions on the use of color accents, but I think he did the product the way he thought it should be and it looks great.

Mr. Lopez' art was perfect for the chapter. It hearkened back to some of the Sam Wood art in AU. My favorite is the illo with the Knight of the Axe and the litorian. That has an otherworldly quality to it. Okay, I will admit that I think the guy on the balam looks a little overzealous, but look at that battlecat. Would you want to face that?

40. Where did the Knight's Motto come from?
Justin came up with that if I remember correctly. Wait no, he asked for it, and I came up with it, although I think one of the other Keepers of the Oath suggested the final wording.

41. Does a balam that is being ridden grant its evasion to its rider, if its rider is wearing armor does it lose its evasion?
No and no. The idea is that the mount isn't a liability, though I applaud your effort to find abilities and limitations for PCs that I didn't think of!

42. What is your recommendations on keeping mounts alive to both GMs and players?
A) Don't have a mount. B) DMs should place a certain number of extra protective and healing items that only mounts can use. C) In your PCs down time, invest in a stud farm or offspring for your mount. Eventually you will lose the creature, and if you're a big roleplayer, have a scene or two arising from that. So a successor is a good idea.

43. Can you explain to me why anyone would believe in a 400 year old rebellion that has gained no headway?
They're persistent? J Is it any less likely than a forest of floating trees? Personally, I think that the Knights are a very strong bunch of individuals who kept suffering setbacks. Every time their numbers decline, the few left redouble efforts and make the flame burn brighter.

44. Why has the largest knightly order in the lands of the diamond throne not carved out its own small duchy or kingdom?
They use a diversified approach to their network infrastructure. True story. During playtesting of Arcana Unearthed, the Knights were originally a secret order. We asked the question "how could an order this big with this many chapterhouses be secret?"

45. What is your favorite mounted adventure seed?
Let's see. A variant of #14 won a contest at (I've actually run several of these adventure seeds in one way or another.) I think the one that I like the best, and would want to try the next time the Greatest Dane (Siobharek) is in the country is #8: Battle shadow trolls flying along a travel line

46. Is there anything else the world should know about you?
Yes. I love to travel, so if you want someone to come run a gaming session for your group, I am available if you can get me there.

47. Is there anything else the world should know about AE?
That it's probably the best 3.5 option game book!



Unknown said...

That was a great interview. Thanks for posting it - and thanks to Bill for the kind words and for giving the interview.

Anonymous said...

I know it's a minor thing on a great article, but 'loose' does not mean the same thing as 'lose.'

Unknown said...

correct the loose spelling :) thanks for the catch.