Monday, November 12, 2007

Rites of the Gamer!

I love ritals, so I thought I would put out a few new Power Ceremonies, like those found in Mystic Secrets. I don't like racial only rituals to often but I do like given certain races a "ease of use" clause or proficency with the ceremony.

You wish to be reborn to start over in life to change the course your life has taken, this ritual is perhaps the most powerful form of self-realization and transformation possible, and you abandon your old life and take on a new one. It is so trying it can only be done once in any single life. You fate is not set in stone and you can travel back down the path and follow the road not taken.

Components: A life size ornamental ice sculpture of yourself worth 1gp per experience point you possess. (Humans require only half the gp value)

Actions (6 hours per level, humans half this time): Meditate in the melting water of the ice sculpture until it is completely gone, all the while whispering the path you wish you life would have taken. When you reach the point in life at which you first learned the level you wish to discard, stand up and walk out of the pool of water, then alter the rest of your history to reflect the new levels you want to learn in their place. When the time of meditation has passed you sleep for an equal number of hours. When you awaken, the water all its valuable ornamentation is gone, and you have acquired the new levels as if you had advanced instead of your previous levels.

Effects: You can replace class levels with different levels of another class, making all necessary feat and skill changes. You can perform this ceremony only once in your life (humans can perform this ceremony twice) any further attempts simply fail.

You want your name to be more than just a label you want it to have meaning in your life, to define who you are, what you want, why you’re here, what you live for, who you serve or who you trust. This ritual allows you to represent its meaning and draw a mystical benefit from that bond.

Components: A parchment of vellum and ink laced with gold dust upon which you write you truename and your surname, title or epithet worth 500 gp. (Faen and Sibeccai require only half the gp value)

Actions (24 hours, Faen and sibeccai require only half this time): Meditate over your surname, title or epithet that is written on the page, for 12 hours and then write your truename and then meditate on that for the remaining 12. At the end you must burn the sheet of vellum.

Effects: Your truename is now your surname, title or epithet. 1/day when performing an action that is directly related to your new truename you can add a +3 circumstance bonus to any single d20 roll.

You wish to gain insight into the world by looking at all that precedes or follows a specific event or situation.
Components: A ritual involving s three other verrik, the digestion of alchemic chemicals worth 2,800 gp (a verrik needs only digest half the amount)

Actions (24 hours, verrik require only half this time): consume the alchemic concoction and the engage in a debate with the other three verrik involving contextual thinking. After the allotted time you gain new insight.

Effects: Your GM explains a portion of the overall campaign that you did not previously understand based on inferences that can be drawn from existing information you possess. The information must provide you a better understanding of the “Big Picture” but will not provide new information. If preformed more than once in the same "adventure" the ritual fails.

As a giant you can give up the life of the steward and become a dancer of war.

Components: A ritual involving seven other giants, a purified knife, your blood and expensive incense (worth 500gp X your character level).

Actions (24 hours): Burn the incense while you and seven other giants, meditate and discuss an abhorrent matter that is weighing upon your mind, then for 12 hours you dance a ancient giant war dance around the flames, at the end of the 24 hours cut your hand letting your blood burn in the flames of the incense, and take an oath to correct that which is abhorrent.

Effects: You replace any one feat you possess, except talents, for the Chi-Julud feat (you do not gain its benefits unless you meet its requirements. Once the oath is fulfilled the original feat replaces the Chi-Julud feat.

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